Aspen Commission ™ Membership

Aspen Commission Charter
Member Certification
The Aspen Commission's mission is committed to improving lives
through innovations in science, government, philosophy, leadershipo, and business. We strive to improve the the
world by engaging organizations, NGOs, governmental, academic, and other leaders of society to shape regional and
international advancement.
1.Become a Member
2. Become a Member of the GAC Global Advisory
3. Become a Commssioner which is our premier membership
qualification. The Commissioner status also includes membership in our GAC Global Advisory
4.Become an Ambassador & Corporate
Apply for Certification:
- CLA Certified Leadership
- CODR - Cert. of Diplomatic
- CPS Certified International
- Fellow of the Academy
of Diplomacy FAD
- COIR Commission on International
- Board Certified - in Politics,
Philosophy, or Diplomacy
- Member of the Academy of Analysts and
Councillors MAAC
- CD Certified Diplomacy - Board
Certified in Politics
- CPM Certified Political Manager -
Campaign Manager & Analyst
- CPP Certified in Public Policy -
Policy Analyst
- ChPA Chartered Certified Political Analyst -
Political Governmental Journalism Certification
- Certification in Wealth Management or Trust & Estate
We have members in over 150 nations who are the top executives
and professors from around the world.The Aspen Commission is focused on top leadership and organizational
management innovation and principles.
Our lectures and speakers are some of the top experts in the
world. Our affiliated International Board of Standards is a charter signatory to the Dept. of Education
Recognized Educational Standards Articulation Agreement.
We offer a certification
and membership options
- Certified Member and Fellow of
the Commission
If you are a certified member, you can add to your
- Board Certified - in the area of
- Fellow of the Academy of Diplomacy
- Member of the Academy of Analysts and
Councillors MAAC
- CODR - Council on Diplomatic
Examples of Use.
Dr. John Doe, FAD - Fellow of the
Professor Jack Black, FAD, MAAC
Senator John Smith, CS Certified in Diplomatic
Jim Smith, PhD, COPR, FAD